Tuesday 29 May 2012

More regulation of HMOs in Reading

Below is an extract from a letter sent out about regulating Houses of Multiple Occupation in the area. More information can be found here: www.reading.gov.uk/planninghmo

"Dear Sir/Madam,

Notification of Article 4 Direction for removal of permitted development rights to convert from a dwellinghouse to a small house in multiple occupation.

This letter is to notify you of the removal of certain permitted development rights under the Planning Acts at the above address. The above address is now subject to a Direction that removes permitted development rights to convert from a dwellinghouse to a small house in multiple occupation (HMO). This means that such conversions are no longer automatically permitted and an application for planning permission for any such conversion will need to be submitted to the local planning authority. Permission for a conversion may be refused, or granted unconditionally or subject to conditions.

It is intended that this change will come into force on 16 May 2013.

After informal consultation at the end of 2011 about houses in multiple occupation in Park, Redlands and Katesgrove Wards, and the gathering of other evidence, the Council’s Cabinet resolved that, for a defined area covering parts of Park, Redlands and Katesgrove Wards (see attached map) permitted development rights to convert from a dwellinghouse to a small HMO be removed. Development that can be carried out without the need for an application for planning permission is called ‘permitted development’. The Council can remove these ‘permitted development’ rights though a process known as an ‘Article 4 Direction’.

On 16 May 2012, a non-immediate Article 4 Direction was made for an area which includes the above property. A formal period of notice is required in these cases, and it is intended that the Article 4 Direction will come into force on 16 May 2013, i.e. one year from the date the Direction was made. As from that date, any conversion of a property from a dwellinghouse (C3) to a small house in multiple occupation (C4) will require a planning application to be made, about which neighbouring properties will be advised and consulted, with decisions being made either by planning officers under delegated powers or by the Planning Applications Committee, where objectors have a right of public speaking. If a planning application is not currently required to convert from C3 to C4 use, then this will continue to be the case until 16 May 2013, (unless a planning application is required for any other reason) . A copy of the Notice of the Direction as published in The Reading Chronicle on Friday 18th May is attached below.

Further information, including a copy of the Article 4 Direction, a more detailed map showing the area to which it relates, background evidence and the results of the consulation carried out at the end of 2011 can be found on the council’s website at:


Should you wish to make a representation concerning the Direction please ensure this is made to the local planning authority between Friday 18 May 2012 and 5pm on Wed 13 June 2012.

Representations can be made in writing to:

LDF Planning Team, Planning Department

Civic Centre

Reading, RG1 7AE

Email: ldf@reading.gov.uk

Tel: 0118 937 4741 Fax: 0118 937 2435

Once the Direction has been confirmed, further notification will be sent to the properties affected.

Yours faithfully,"

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